Friday, June 3, 2011

30 Days of Blogging

So I though that a good idea to start this blog off was the 30 days of blogging (got the idea from Liz Brown's blog :) This post was actually harder than I thought it would be!

So here is the list...I highly doubt that I'll be able to blog every day, but I'll try to work my way through it! :)

Day 01- A recent picture of me and 15 interesting facts about myself
Day 02- The meaning behind my blog name
Day 03- A picture of me and my friends
Day 04- A habit that I wish I didn't have
Day 05- A picture of somewhere I've been to
Day 06- My favorite super hero and why
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on me
Day 08- My short term goals for this month and why
Day 09- Something I'm proud of in the past few days
Day 10- Songs I listen to when I'm happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad
Day 11- Another picture of me and my friends
Day 12- How I found out about Blogger and why I made a blog
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt me recently
Day 14- A picture of me and my family
Day 15- Put my iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
Day 16- Another picture of myself
Day 17- Someone I would want to switch lives with for one day and why
Day 18- Long-term plans/dreams/goals I have
Day 19- Nicknames I have and why I have them
Day 20- Qualities in someone I might marry/or spouse.
Day 21- A picture of something that makes me happy
Day 22- What makes me different from everyone else
Day 23- Something I crave a lot
Day 24- A letter to my parentsDay 25- What you might find in my bag
Day 26- What I think about my friends
Day 27- Why I am doing this 30 day challenge
Day 28- A picture of me last year and now, how have I changed since then?
Day 29- In this past month, what I have learned
Day 30- My favorite books.

So, Day 01- A recent picture of me and 15 interesting facts about myself

This picture was taken at Rachel's wedding(April 30th). The sweet little girl is my cousin's daughter, Liberty that was in the last post as well! and trust me, you'll see allot of them! :)

15 interesting facts about myself

1. I love holding babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. I have the best family and friends EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. I have lived my whole life on the farm, and still have never driven a tractor(lawnmowers, but no tractors)
4. I hate being late to anywhere!!!
5. I don't remember learning how to read
6. If a quote from a movie fits the conversation, I'll say it! :)
7. I can't stand crooked pictures on walls...I have been known to walk into a friend's house and go around straightening things on the walls
8. I taught myself how to write backwards just for the fun of it(I can also write #'s upside down.....don't ask why!)
9. I normally don't get scared easily, but occasionally someone will, not even meaning to, pop around the corner and I jump! ;P
10. I have been told before that my 'love language' is teasing....(I think that it is actually spending time with some one... :)
11. I am NOT, by any means, a 'girly-girl'!!!!
12. I already have wedding china in my hope chest! ;)
13. After a few stories went around about me, I have come to the conclusion that I don't just hate, but I detest gossip(and I don't use that word very often!!!)
14. I have an uncanny way of remembering random numbers....
15. I have never moved!


The Kautts said...

Hey, our blog is: I met your sister Rachel (and maybe you and Hannah and Sarah?) back in 2008 at the Wahlquists Christmas sing-along.

~Johanna Kautt

EsGrace Schatte said...

Hey! I saw you following me on buzz, and was trying to figure out where I knew y'all from! yes, I think Rachel and Sarah met you then....I don't remember why I wasn't able to go.... :)

The Kautts said...

Oh, yeah. I know for a fact that we met Rachel, because I remember talking with her about her interest in midwifery.


Faith Schatte said...

This will be fun! :)