Sunday, November 20, 2011

Volleyball with the Schattes!

Last week, we went to the Schatte after church for some good games of volleyball!

before we played though, I got some shots of the view of the fall foliage from their back yard :)

Daniel, Andrew and Samuel duck taping the net before we played

while us girls visited

Sarah and Bekah were mad at Esther......or something like that :)

Rachel :)

The dads

Liz and Bek

Peter always enjoys their trampoline! ;)

Peter doing flips, while I tried to get pics of him in the air :)

and now, let the volleyball commence! :D

(Peter was taking pictures from the shed roof! :)

While we were playing Mr. Schatte was giving Peter some tips on doing back-flips! :)

Had fun, Schattes! hope to do it again soon!!!! :)

"Life is short, smile while you still have teeth!!!!" :D