Tuesday, October 4, 2011

of birthdays, singing, and possums

Sept. 23rd was my good friend, Esther's 18th birthday!!! 
She had a quaint little luncheon out on the porch at her house!  

this picture doesn't do the sky credit, but there were some really pretty cloud on the drive there....

visiting before lunch

Singing Happy Birthday to Esther

The beautiful table all set out

Es made place-cards with our names, meanings and a verse on them - very lovely!!!

Danny is so adorable!!!

Kathryn and Daniel popping bubble wrap :)

Kathryn helping Es unwrap her gifts

Playing confusion - a very fun game!!!

the girls doing the 'goodbye wave' as the Penningtons and Warrens left...and, I might get in trouble for posting this one.... ;)

It was soooo fun to have Ruth Vande Hei in Texas for two weeks!!! 

the girls in pink and white
Rachel, Ruth, Esther, Faith, Lizzy and Rebekah

♥ The Esthers 

Happy 18th Birthday Es! you are a huge encouragement to me!!!

That evening, the Beeman's had some families over for a singing-along

Esther, David, Daniel, Faith and Kathryn

Singing together is one of the sweetest forms of fellowship, I think! :)

the little ones playing in the middle of the floor while we sang

the 'orchestra':
Jedidiah, the Elizabeths and Ruth jamming 

I took a turn at the piano for a while, and Peter snapped a picture :)

Elizabeth and Ruth fiddling afterwards :)

Rachel playing along with her spoons 

Sarah visiting with Mrs. Hunter

Esther and Elizabeth

sneaking pictures through the window from the living room to the kitchen...

~ Buddies ~
(and I love the fact that I got these boys to pose with a doll.... :)

at some point, Rachel B went out to the garage and saw an opossum, and Andrew and Samuel went after it...but it was hiding under a dresser :)

"Yes, I am going to kill it with a broom!"

they asked me to hold the gun, and since it was a pretty awesome-looking gun, I got Bekah to take a picture of me! :)

it went behind a set of shelves, with just his tail sticking out, which prompted us onlookers to start quoting Winnie-the-Pooh :)

He was a pretty big fellow!

unfortunately, Andrew stepped on and broke a water line and the Beemans were with out water the rest of the night! :(

any thanks to the Schattes and Beemans for their wonderful hospitality!!!  Had a glorious time!!!!!


Sarah said...

It was so fun to see pics of the little B's here! How I miss them...

Faith Schatte said...

This was a fun post! :-) "Might get in trouble..." I was like "OH, NO!" I like the picture of Samuel and Andrew framed by the dolls! ;) Yep, that was a really fun day!

Unapologetically Quirky said...

That's a cute idea of putting the name meanings on the name cards. :)

I spotted Kathleen and Rebekah B! :) i met them in June and they are sweet young ladies.

"Confusion" IS a very fun game!! We also call it "four-on-a-couch".

Oh, nasty looking opossum! :P

~Johanna Kautt