Monday, October 3, 2011

Mallett's visit part 2

Mercy helping Sarah dry pears

Peter, Ethan and Sean playing the marble game....this is one of the few pictures I got of the boys....most of the time they were out doing 'guy' things :)

Ethan helping process chickens

Miss Liberty Belle

Merry watching Sarah cook

Eating cantaloupe for a snack

Mercy and Merry in the brooder playing with the chicks


cutest defined

Washing our feet aferwards

Faith, Ethan and Mercy playing marble maze

Andrew and Liberty

heaven help her when she grows up..... :)

Mercy, Faith, Merry, Andrew and Mysti

Ashley and Liberty

she got bunches of kisses..... :)

Faith and Mercy putting teddy to bed

Kyle, Merry and Andrew

going on a walk

we had to take turns pushing the stroller

Sarah and Merry

yep, we put her to sleep :)

Mercy running ahead

me and my sleeping angel


Helping Sarah make tortillas for supper

Beautiful sunset

ok, I couldn't decide which of these pictures to post, so I put all of them up...these girls are SO cute and it makes me happy that I'm related to them!!!!

Has to do everything Uncle Andrew does!!!

The boys were working with Daddy building a roof over the composter

Mercy helping me washing eggs

how can you look at this picture and not smile?!!

nap time :)

Sarah got the fixings for banana splits!!! :)

need I say they were very popular? ;)

they both got braids done like big girls! :)

Sarah and the little monkey

her pigtail was to cute not to get a picture of it! 

the boys heading out to help Peter with his chores

Merry and Mercy helping Sarah milk

Liberty and I just watched

yes, it is possible to help milk a cow and carry your special blankie at the same time!

Merry taking a turn in my lap

Sarah and Liberty

♥ sisters 

Please remember to pray for all the people who lost their homes in the fire!!!


Faith Schatte said...

Awww! They are all SO cute! I'm glad that we got to see them a little while they were here!

Sonya said...

Thank you Esther! I smiled the whole way through!

Sarah said...

It looks like y'all had a great time! :)