Monday, July 23, 2012

Random things to do on a Sunday afternoon.....

Sunday afternoon, Samuel came over and we just hang out with my siblings and had fun! :)

Hannah wanted to get 'before' pictures of the land behind the rent house, so we all piled up in the back of the truck and drove up there. 

Trying to reproduce this picture :)

haha, three of my favorite, goofy guys! :)

Hannah got the camera and went around and took the pics she wanted....

hmmmm.....what caption should go here.....?

the pond that they're draining into the other pond....

the other pond

I have no idea what we are looking at.....

a couple of handsome hose-stretchers....

moving the pump and restarting it

don't ask.....

I was playing around with focus and depth of field..... :)

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